Inhoudstafel 2021
Le premier USV, un robot sans pilote à entrer dans le port d'Ostende est Belge!
An early look at ASKO's autonomous freight ferries
Containership "Deseo" vaart semiautonoom Zeebrugge-Antwerpen
Developing command and control for unmanned vessels
Autonomous ships: regulatory scoping exercise completed
German partners target remote-controlled tug operations
België profileert zich als pioneer op het vlak van autonome scheepvaart
IMO completes regulatory scoping exercise on autonomous ships
Voyage of autonomous ship in Japan; first to set sail in area with heavy marine traffic
Yara debut "Yara Birkeland", the world's first autonomous and emission-free container ship
Nieuw schip Antwerpse Conti-Lines vaart onder Belgische vlag
Antwerpse Boeckmans verjongt vloot en verhuist
Eerste permanent Belgisch onderzoeksvaartuig "Belgica" start tweede leven in Oekraïne
De Belgische pioniersrol op het vlak van vaccinaties van zeevarenden heeft bloed, zweet en tranen gekost
World Maritime Day: Belgian shipping looks back at milestones achieved
BIMCO launches initiative to raise awareness about the crucial role of shipping
Crew changes during covid-19: A new BIMCO clause for time charter parties
De Belgische Marine - sedert 1946 een geschiedenis
La Marine Belge de 1946 à nos jours
LNG bunkeren op de Westerchelde
Navicert zorgt voor grote digitale stap vooruit in de maritieme sector
Navicert: Une avancée numérique majeure dans le secteur maritime
Internationaal pleziervaartbewijs nu ook voor zeevarenden
Report on CESMA's 26th Annual General Assembly
Resolutions from 26th CESMA AGA
Data consumed per ship during the pandemic has nearly tripled
MDK werkt aan '4G/5G' op Noordzee
INMARSAT: Covid has accelerated digitalisation in shipping
Joint Open Letter - Transport heads call on world leaders to secure global supply chains
Solving the crew change challenge
Global industry and human rights leaders join forces to resolve humanitarian crisis on the world's oceans
Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years
Crew change crisis tipped to be worse than last year
Excellent seafarers
European shipowners voice their support for seafarer's future
This cargo ship's captain died aboard. The crew was stuck at sea for weeks with a potential covid outbreak on its hands
Wereldprimeur: België vaccineert buitenlandse zeevarenden
Nieuwe foyer voor Antwerp Harbour Hotel
New BIMCO / ICS seafarer workforce report warns of serious potential officer shortage
IMO warns of rising number of seafarer abandonment cases
MCTC: Covid restrictions are hitting seafarers' food supply
ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport
Report: smugglers defraud IMO to create fake ID's for blacklisted ships
De "Samland" van de Red Star Line
"Gabriella" van de Handel & Scheepvaart Mij
"Alexandre André", tanker met een oorlogsverleden
De vierde en laatste "Liège" van Deppe
"Patagonier" van de Lloyd Royal Belge
"Leopold II" net geen 36 jaar in dienst van Deppe
"Kalimba": Vijf maanden onder Belgische vlag
Peter Claeyssens nieuwe Directeur-Generaal Scheepvaart
Jan De Nul neemt multifunctionele kabellegger "Connector" over van Ocean Yield
Turbine installation at Belgium's largest offshore wind farm crosses the Finish Line
Deep-seabed mining robot "Patania II" successfully reconnected-mission continues
Wind farm installation: increased demand predicted in next decade
Jan De Nul bestelt monopolie installatiesysteem voor drijvend installatieschip "Les Alizés"
Detecting pollution from individual ships from space
Oceanbird ro-ro: embarking on a new era of wind propulsion
Boomsma Shipping installs and sails off with two ecowind flatrack ventifoils
Lage emissiezone op de Noordzee
Jonge data scientists helpen schepen heel wat brandstof besparen
Unilever develops virtual ocean control tower on path to net zero emissions
Plans from Norway for ammonia-fuelled short-sea bulker service
European shipping players call on EU to promote green hydrogen and ammonia as marine fuel
L'ifremer et la start-up Blue Fins inventent des "nageoires de baleine" pour réduire jusqu'a 30% la consommation d'energie des gros navires
Charting a course for decarbonising maritime transport
Port of Antwerp breidt vloot uit met energie-efficiënte sleepboten
Long-term test of rotor sail on passenger ferry completed
Shipping must embrace cleaner future or become 'univestible'
Le port-conteneur innovant de 2500 evp << Trade Wings 2500 >> conçu par VPLP Design, Alwena Shipping, Sdari et Ayro, reçoit une approbation de principe par le Bureau Veritas
Hydrogen-powered vessel showcasing efficiency of clean fuel
ESG rules, rather than IMO regulations, will nudge shipping to net zero
High-sulphur fuel oil sales rebound after pre-IMO 2020
AIP issued for system of rigid sails and solar power for eco ships
CMB Tech opent eerste multimodaal waterstoftankstation ter wereld en pakt uit met waterstoftruck Lenoir
Nieuwe wereldprimeur voor haven van Antwerpen: methanol aangedreven sleepboot
Skuld's IMO 2020 sulphur cap experience
Ulstein to design non-fossil fuel containership for Norwegian startup
Maersk makes $1.4 billion bet on methanol ships
Fincantieri and Enel Green Power Italia sign green hydrogen agreement
Søren Skou calls on IMO to set "end date for fossil-fuel shipping"
MSC invests in new efficiency solution to reduce emissions from fleet
Euronav successfully tests biodiesel blend on Suezmax tanker
Tribute to the diesel engine. But with which types of fuel?
ESPO urges EU policy makers to align discussions on AFIR and Fuel maritime
Maritime leaders call for government support for decarbonisation
Powering ships to a sustainable future
Remove slime from ships to cut emissions
Is the proposed FEULEU maritime regulation fit for purpose or will it hamper shipping's path to decarbonisation?
Concept to produce hydrogen on LNG ships to overcome obstacles
Huisman scales up 3D printing of crane hooks
Euronav investeert fors in nieuwe dual-fueltankers
Shippers urged the commission to take action in disturbed maritime market
ECSA welcomes recognition of the shipping industry as a transitional sector in sustainable finance package
IBM and EXXONMOBIL are building quantum algorithms to solve this giant computer problem
Loodsen diepste schip ooit op Schelde: "Klus maakt ons niet nerveus"
Suicides at sea go uncounted as crew change crisis drags on
Belgische Zeevarenden en de Coronavaccinatie
Concerns of rise in number of seafarers impacted by crew change due to new Covid variants
How high levels of sugar can impact seafarers' behaviour and productivity
Zeevarenden worden zo snel mogelijk gevaccineerd
New study reveals mental health 'minefield' seafarers face
De vaccinaties zijn begonnen
Vaccination efforts accelerate for seafarers
Antwerpen voor de zevende maal gasthaven voor Tall Ships Races
"Westhinder" erkend als varend erfgoed
Marine draagt "Oudenaarde" officieel over aan MPM
The first torpedoes
Isaura aan het stuur in Tokyo
IMO secretary-general denounces"No Crew Change" clauses
IMO launches a year of action for seafarers
IMO legal committee agrees unified interpretation on limitation of liability
Verslagen maandelijkse vergaderingen
Verslag maandelijkse vergadering reactie op vraag van lid Robert Devriendt
Standpunt van het KBZ ivm met de discussie over de gelijkwaardigheid en toepassing van beroeps- en pleziervaart brevetten
Jaarlijkse algemene vergadering 2021
Jaarverslag van de voorzitter
Raad van Bestuur 2021
Dag der Zeelieden
Laudatio (1) Capt. Henri Huachart
Laudatio (2) Korvetkapitein Eric De Vos
Laudatio (3) De <<Esso Brussels>> en HWT Jackie Geerts
Anne-Pascale Mornard (Zeevaartschool): "De 15% vrouwen brossen minder"
Captain may face extradition for Port of Beirut's seizure of cargo
Who is responsible for the cargo when Force Majeure is declared?
Scheepvaartdecreet na twintig jaar eindelijk af
Australia arrests Maersk captain for damaging submarine cable
N.a.v "Suicide Cdt. Deruy: le Parquet requiert 100.000 Euros d'amende contre CMA CGM"
Lezersreactie "La Pérouse"
Anti-Submarine warefare frigate vervangt M-Fregat
De Belgische Marine Hulpschepen
Investigation into "Ever Given" casualty begins
HZS projecteerde stranding Suez op simulator
"Ever Given" What happens now?
Huge Spike in shipping containers lost at sea
Coastal states need to reconsider their responsibilities in granting refuse
"X-Press Pearl" was not allowed to offload leaking box in India and Qatar prior to Sri Lanka call
How the "X-Press Pearl" disaster could have been avoided
Ever Given's owner reaches settlement with Suez Canal Authority
Het Suezkanaal en de 'Ultra Large Container Vessels', de ULCV's
Verlies van containers op zee
Incident hotspots - a global view of navigation incidents
"Yantian Express" kapitein getuigt: Als je schip in brand staat ga je niet naar bed."
De ziekenhuishepen van Mercy Ships
"Global Mercy" brengt maritieme verenigen samen in HZS
NOAA begins transition exclusively to electronic navigation charts
Reminder - anchoring in Malaysian waters of East Johor
Why ECDIS needs a new approach
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) breidt uit op linkeroever
A critical situation may be in the making on the Northern sea route
EU member states must enable crew changes to take place without further delays and prioritise seafarers for vaccination
"No crew change" clauses [The wet detective]
Ultra Large Container Vessels: "Too large to call"
Decarbonise together, not owner by owner
LNG is commercial pragmatism , not climate activism
The "Ever Given " will ruin more than just a muddy canal
Pathetic maritime, its reactions an reality
Keeping crew in mind following a serious accident
The other missing question from the NSTB report on "MV Golden Ray": Why?
To reach net zero we must decarbonise shipping. But two big problems are getting in the way.
Henri Hauchart is niet meer
Danny Deckers is de nieuwe voorzitter van ESPA
Afscheid van Jean-Jacques Westerlund
Onduidelijke situatie bij beloodsing leidde tot aanvaring scheldegebied
Une journée de la vie professionnelle d'un pilote de rivière: Le capitaine au long cours Y. Houard
One killed, 15 abducted in Gulf of Guinea pirate attack
Gulf of Guinea records highest ever number of crew kidnapped in 2020, according to IMB's annual piracy report
International organisations urge action on Gulf of Guinea piracy
EOS Risk-Piracy strategies for Gulf of Guinea
New kidnappings as efforts grow to stop Gulf of Guinea piracy
Maritime security and the Security Council
Change in piracy threats in Indian Ocean prompts re-think of high risk area
Shipping associations renew call for international naval response to Nigeria-based pirates
Kenyan maritime water removed from high-risk list is a boost to trade
Piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades, but IMB cautions against complacency
Danish frigate kills four pirates in first Gulf of Guinea engagement
Ransom payments to pirates: Who must pay in general average?
De Paardenmarkt: Miljoenen bommen en granaten
Understanding the risk of isolated vapour pockets
Coast Guard drones can see underwater and inside vessels during response to hurricanes and extreme weather events
Walker stunned to see ship hovering high above sea of Cornwall
Not a 'Pacific' Ocean at all
US National cyber Security Plan promises to safeguard maritime sector
What is parametric rolling really?
Containers on bulk carriers: a practical guidance
Sjorren en schoren of de CSS code 2021 - (Part 1)
May you like interesting times. Fat cows, foolish virgins, and the snows of yesteryear
Sailing will not help the industry meet its climate goal
Merchant fleet hits 100,000-ship milestone